Raising Kingdom Kids
equips young parents to raise their children with a Kingdom perspective and also offers practical how-to advice on providing spiritual training as instructed in Scripture.
Join Kasey & Melissa Wiseman
as they lead young parents on the journey of understanding the crucial role they have in preparing their children to love
God and follow Jesus Christ in every part of their lives.
Raising Kingdom Kids a brief video conversation starter by Tony Evans begins with an overarching look at the need for intentional Kingdom parenting, our roles and responsibilities in raising God-following children, and how to prepare children to take on the assignments God has for their lives. He then takes a practical turn, with examples and illustrations to help parents understand and provide specific training and modeling for kids in the power of prayer, wisdom, loving God’s Word, getting through trials, controlling their tongues, developing patience, the surrender of service, and much more.
This, “Doing Life Together” Group is for young parents who want to fulfill the parenting roles God has given them, not just in raising healthy kids intellectually, physically, and socially, but in contributing to their child’s relationship with God and alignment under His plan and the leadership of Jesus Christ.
Schedule: (please note: the doors to the Chapel will close at 10:45am – have your children checked in by 10:35am)
Week #1 – January 22, Arrive 10:30am – Telling Our Stories - Getting To Know Each Other.
Week #2 – January 29, Arrive 10:30am – This Isn’t The Magic Kingdom - The Power of Jesus in Life.
Week #3 – February 5, Arrive 10:30am – “But Daniel” – Expect Commitment - Don’t Settle For Less.
Week #4 – February 12, Arrive 10:30am – Transfer The Kingdom Baton - Got To Have It, To Give It!
Week #5 – February 19, Arrive 10:30am – Cultivating A Kingdom Atmosphere - Change Must Happen!
Week #6 – February 26, Arrive 10:30am – Set A High Standard – Developing A Disciplined Life.
Week #7 – March 5, Arrive 10:30am – Raising Royal Kids – Powerfilled Kids, With Purposeful Lives!
Week #8 – March 19, Arrive 10:30am – Choose You This Day – Commitments and Accountability.
Week #8 – Immediately Following Group – Family Lunch – Dish to Pass Lunch for The Entire Family.